Sunday, October 29, 2006


I've been getting some massive itch in my face.It's so annoying sometimes i wish i went for some skin grafting get the skin of course.Not give it away.There has not been much happening in my life so I'm gonna rant on how SPM is coming but i just CAN'T bring myself to study! It's like my heavy ass is defeating my mind power.
Like its controlling my mind.
My ASS is controlling my mind.
Ridiculous.So my solution is I'd go to the library everyday to memorize stuff.There's no time to understand so I'd be a road learning idiot who memorizes. (No offence to road learning idiots who memorize.Which i rarely find nowadays.So if you are an idiot,at least you're a unique idiot.So really,no offence.)

Gotta go sit in front of the TV and moan internally bout how I haven't studied!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

metastatic breast cancer

7:24 PM  

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