Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Just read the papers today.Something really caught my Chinese eyes. It was some Takafur Islam company issueing notices or emails on how they shouldn't greet the Indians Happy Deepavali because it was "against Islam practices" or something like that. Shit like this really stimulates anger in people. See, it's not nice to say stuff like that. The idiot who said it apparently apologised but really..sorry no cure lah. Aren't people suppose to like go into ISA if they were stirring up racial or religious issues? Yurgehfurgeh.

Thankfully in highschool we are still socially integrated.
Not all but most
Hweehwee.My sad sod of a blog has less than 88 people reading. I probably contributed to like...20 hits.Not because I'm trying to raise my hits(I could've just set my starting number to 1000 but I'm an honest person). SHIT MOM HERE GOTTA GO!


Blogger SGRMSE. said...

eh. that's old news lah. in yesterday's papers, Takaful issued a public apology.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Bloody Butterflies said...

like i sed...sorry no cure

9:27 AM  
Blogger SGRMSE. said...

aiyaaa.. at least it helps with the healing?

12:41 AM  

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