Tuesday, October 24, 2006

assassin for hire

Ever known one of those people who just HAD a say for EVERYTHING? Unnecessary say that is.
Well I have one living with me now.TEMPORARILY(thank the holy heavens)
I'm not gonna say much because I've already ranted to a few people.
But for the past hour or so, I've spent time CLEANING a stenchy mess one of her family members made.
FB brought her entire family over while my parents are on a trip.
Bringing your family to your boyf's cousin's house while parents are not around, RUDE.
Her grandad shat in the toilet.Doesn't smell to good.Made the whole house stink.She laughed and said a very unapologetic sorry.
I packed up my food and moved into the room.Then, they left, so i went out.Holding my breath while looking for air freshener and displaying an obscene amount of profanities.
So anyways I cleaned the whole house with Dettol.


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