Friday, November 10, 2006


The beginning of an ending..
Another chapter closes in our lives..
School's officially over for us Sri Amanians, well, sort of unless the kaki rajins(legs hardworking) still wanna go to school but that's only 5% likely.
I'm gonna bloody miss that school.I mean that's one place where we deal with student teacher politics,arguing with everyone just to prove our point and stuff like that.
I came to school hating it.Bloody girls everywhere you go and life was just boring but now as a fifth former, I CAN actually wait to leave.
I cherish every memory in that school,good or bad because it makes me who I am today(and screw you if you don't like me.I like me)
And most of all,I've made tons of friends whom I love dearly(you know who you are)
So not to be dramatic or anything but I'm sorry if I've done anything and not realise it..

Once an Amanian, always an Amanian.

P.s: I think I'm over you


Blogger etsy said...

over whooo???!!!o.0?!?!

10:06 AM  

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