Saturday, September 30, 2006


Maybe I'm not 100% Atheist. I could be partially Agnostic as well

Had some family reunion.Locked myself up in my brothers room watching 13.Man those kids are fucked up but oh well,all part of growing up ain't it? Yes I am wise and old.
Quoting Adrian Mole : "I think I'm becoming an intellectual.Must be all the worry"
One of the witty and funny books around so try to get your hands on it.

PS I Love you by Cecilia Ahern is good too.First book that made me weep like a howling goat with beansprouts growing on its chin.However this is not a book reviewing blog so you could:-
  1. Buy it and read it for yourself
  2. Find a book reviewing website which would make you a loser because I'd rather take the time to FIND the book than find the page to get its summary.
  3. Don't do 2 of the above and forever live in the dark unseen shadows of doom

Goodbye my trustee companion

Ok I've addmath in an hour.Funny thing is..I don't have a calculator!

8.30am : Awaiting the arrival of Singh(my tuition teacher).Calculator was on top of my books and i was carrying my books.Was talking to my friend about crap we usually talk about and practicing facial expressions in order to look genuinly sorry.She forgot to bring the teachers answer book that happened to be quite important for class.

8.35am : Teacher arrives.I'm still going through lines with her.Then all of a sudden!My calculator SLIPS of my book! In front of me laid a DRAIN! NOOOO!!! I could only watch helplessly while pointing at it and screaming like our earth was on the brink of apocalypse.My lifes happenings seems to be quite arcane.

And I had almost everyone of my tuition friends laughing at me.
Actually,I couldn't help but laugh too..
So anyways if you're in Malaysia and TTDI's drainage system happens to link with yours and you happen to see a casio 570 calculator that has MoolahBaby!GetUp blankoed on its back,please collect its charred remains for me.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


"Ah,the beautiful island of Seychelles!"

Seychelles is noted as one of the best islands on earth
Paradise on Earth,actually.
So anyway the point of my talking about Seychelles is :

  • I never knew this place existed until we were in English class
    (I came across the name(Seychelles) and asked "Where the hell is Saychellies?".My friends laughed at me and said that it was Seychelles without the ees(pronounciation))
  • I thought it was a tribal continent
    (From the picture above,it obviously isn't because it lacks dried grass,deer skin and elephants.However,there are certain similarities such as:- nudity.
  • I was talking to my friend one night :*Before I knew about Seychelles of course.
    Friend : Have you been to facials?
    Me : *Thinking* Wow,the grammar.
    Me : *Saying* Sorry?
    Friend : My mom likes facials, have you been there?
    Me : Its a place?Aren't facials like where people poke needles in your face to extract impurities?
    Friend : Um...(then i forgot what he said after that)

I guess he was trying to say Seychelles. I mean hello? when you don't know the word..'S' COULD sound like an 'F' ok.. Forgive me! I'm under-travelled.I haven't been to Seychelles!(obviously)

Dear daddy

Dear daddy,
Your little girl's all grown up now
She's 17 not 10
And the moment you laid your hands
She didn't call you daddy anymore..

Dear daddy,
Your little girl hates you now
And mommy
Maybe you soon..

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I washed my piles today.

Haha no. Actually i watched pulse today but something's wrong with my tongue i keep pronouncing piles instead of pulse.Like the amount of shit I talk about with my friends my vocabs starting to get influenced by all that shit talk. Not literally shit but yeah whatever.

So anyways the movie was quite good but then again I'm easily ammused. Anyways I'm not gonna start talking bout the movie cos this isn't a movie reviewing website is.
But I AM after all a girl and there happens to be good eye candy in this show.
So for the girls,read on.

For the guys..if you wanna read on go ahead ;p

Ian Somerhalder

He is the HOTTEST piece of ass I've ever seen(for a long time at least). The blue eyes can send a girl flying with dangling limbs and loose dehydrated ligaments. Hot! His smile can just blind the blind and dilate bats pupils.
I should be another Shakespeare

Anyways this pulse thing is scary and you'd never might come true. I mean, existence of different frequencies..I buy it.
So don't mess!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Justin King

Could someone get me a Justin King for Christmas please?

Natural remedies

Natural remedies for a broken heart?

But i need a remedy for my fucking scalp.I think it's the stress but boy am I going bald or what?
  • Eat hijiki seaweed and wakeme as a preventative measure. Holy crap what the hell are hijiki seaweed stuff?
  • Create a solution by boiling a cup of mustard oil with four tablespoons henna leaves. Massage onto bald areas daily.Excuse me sir, should the mustard be spicy or normal?
  • Rub a fresh onion on the bald area until it becomes red, then apply honey to the same area.Ow the bloody ow ow..I think someone posted that as a joke

Ok that would be a substantial amount of remedies for today.If it doesn't work go to the website i got this from

The natural way is the best way. Lol what a friggin joke!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wreck of the day

"Desperately close to a coffin of hope I cheat destiny just to be near you
And if this is giving up,then I'm giving up
Cos love doesn't hurt so I know I'm not falling in love
I'm just falling to pieces.."

I'm tired...
And I should stop thinking so much about someone..

On a happier note,my exams are finishing soon.Just 2 days to go.I'm exhausted.Exhausted but what choice do I have but to push myself beyond my limit,right?Thats probably what we're all doing now..
M'sian Edu system can suck eggs and should find a better alternative on how to educate us by not shoving crap down our brains..crap we won't even use 2 years from now.

I think I love you, but I doubt it ;)

Do you believe?

You know how people always try to look holy and all innocent? And claim they love God and blah de blahdy blah? But the next moment you see them getting theirs pants off with someone ? Honestly, in my opinion, I think its a load of crap.
I'm an Atheist.
And people who don't understand, actually think that we're like the ones with "no guidance" but i beg to differ. All the Atheist friends i have stand stronger with their beliefs and principles of life. None of them get involved in negative acts and stuff.
I'm not putting religion down
But I AM trying to state that since Atheists respect(or don't really give a crap) that people with religion have a religion, why not stop trying to Evangelize or convert us? Cos usually, it doesn't work.And hello what is this i see with the whole religion fighting thing?Do you see Atheists bombing anyone? Don't think so.
We should rule the world
But overall,religion isn't bad..its the people who make it look bad..I do have close friends who hold a religion and I do enjoy their company so actually, extremists and hypocrites.They're the problem.