Friday, September 22, 2006

Do you believe?

You know how people always try to look holy and all innocent? And claim they love God and blah de blahdy blah? But the next moment you see them getting theirs pants off with someone ? Honestly, in my opinion, I think its a load of crap.
I'm an Atheist.
And people who don't understand, actually think that we're like the ones with "no guidance" but i beg to differ. All the Atheist friends i have stand stronger with their beliefs and principles of life. None of them get involved in negative acts and stuff.
I'm not putting religion down
But I AM trying to state that since Atheists respect(or don't really give a crap) that people with religion have a religion, why not stop trying to Evangelize or convert us? Cos usually, it doesn't work.And hello what is this i see with the whole religion fighting thing?Do you see Atheists bombing anyone? Don't think so.
We should rule the world
But overall,religion isn't bad..its the people who make it look bad..I do have close friends who hold a religion and I do enjoy their company so actually, extremists and hypocrites.They're the problem.


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