Saturday, February 24, 2007

Im right your not

Detox diets are NOT unhealthy.
They're HEALTHY.
That's why they're called Detox diets,not kill yourself just cos its not balanced diets.
I'm right.

you don't care i do.

I want the Liz Clairbone bag.Secret recipe's brownie's standard has deteriorated.And Noir in Bangsar Village 2 has a nice display.Vat a preety peekchar.
OK.Lal and Ash and I went to Bangsar village to go grocery shopping.On the way and in my pick up truck,a fucking motorcyclist decides to cut into my lane from the left.Asshole.Thank God we saw him,or it'd be quite hard cleaning his remains off the tarred road.Then I sent Ash home and Sha came and we cooked.
5.00pm : Starts cooking
10.00pm: Finishes cooking
5 friggin gas ran out before Ash could finish her Aglio Olio.No pictures but we had to cook primitive style with charcoal and a fan.The charcoal never really caught fire.Thank god my mom suggested the Hot plate.Yes everything you see on the table was made from scratch by the four of us.The mushroom soup was to die for.and i dont say that just cos we made it.

Did i mention I bumped into an old friend when i went out to look for whipped cream while i was in my BOXERS.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

So i finally went to OU.
Met a few people..
Bought 2 tops from Zara.

Misha was here and I had to drive her home and the car was so friggin hot i think it was nearing 100 celcius.We stood outside waiting for the aircond to cool it down while having umbrellas on our heads cos the handle was too hot as well.

This week has been eventful.Like losing RM30 to the cursed family of scheme and scam,The Liews!but thanks Brad for donating a few bucks to this broke soul.I have a confession.I actually would've still lost RM31 if it wasnt for swapping cards with lal.Teeheedehee.and im just being mean about the scheme and scam

Some people are just so stupid and unhelpful.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


its chinese new
Why sit I chair on the?
Because my parents are boring people.They're boring boring people in this unboring world.
I wanna do my yearly gambling,but nooo..lets sit at home and wait for the world to go by.
So I went back to sleep and got up at 2.

It's chinese new
My mom takes 2 minutes to reply one question.I hate laggy people.
and my dad..wait..who?
I fucking hate today.There's no joy,no angpao just another friggin day in life.
Yes what a morbid post,because that's how I'm feeling.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Drove to Bangsar today with Ash and Sha.
On the way to Sunway College(to pick em up), this asshole in a cab threw a plastic bag out of his car,which resulted in me rolling my third finger round and round but not obvious enough for the scumbag to see(didn't feel like getting diced).
My two friends were actually standing there watching me do this without me realising.So few hours after the happening,

Ash : Liz, were you like reciting some mantra for the traffic light to turn green faster?

Misha couldn't stop being an ahpek mumbling "damn chat" to everything.Better stop before its too late friend.

On the way home,I overtook (politely) this Red ASSHOLIC kenari. Yes politely means signal and all that shit.Then the asshole honks at me and bald motherfucker decides to take revenge by driving beside me and frowning into my car, and overtaking me 2 inches from my car. BASTARDCHILDUNCLEFACEOFFUCKINGCMSFROMHELLWHOSHOULDRUNOVERACHICKENANDHAVEAFUCKINGHARDTIMESCRAPINGITOFFHISTYRES!
This old scum was in his 40's. Hi,asshole,if you ever read this and you're bald with a red kenari in your mid 40s who drove on the federal highway on this date, you're just fucking stupid.That's all.
Then after sending Ash home,Misha and I witness and accident.Well,after it happened.Didn't see much cos didn't dare to.but i think someone went to another world.

Boss,can I unresign?

Three out of an amount of ppl i bug the lives out of.
Gosh I can't believe I'm actually sad that I'm stopping work. The people at SA Architects were just so bloody nice.Like I'll miss em much.Real much.*tear*
So anyways here's the rest of it

Akram trying to look cool but the shots at an angle tht makes him look like he's picking his nose.

The rest of the family with Angie missing.Scuse my lack of concentration
Damn now I wish I didn't quit my job...
But always look at the bright side of life..I'm meeting Poon and Jun tomorrow.And this long talked about Blue.
Gosh why do i feel like im being lame today?
Anyway not like any of them would stumble magically across my blog but if it happens,
Thank you guys truly for everything.Especially all the people i constantly bug for work or just for fun.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

F for fuck the fourteenth

I got a new phone.The Z610i black version. Someone asked me to get the blue. Distasteful. It looks like it'll go along with shuffling pants and neon lights.
So what happened today?

  • At the ktm, i see more couples with PDA ( public display of fucking affection) just particularly on this day.Its like as if,they love each other only on this day.Gross buggers.
  • My colleague and I got a rose from our friend after sort of pestering him to get one.
  • KTM was delayed again for almost 30 friggin minutes.
I really feel like swearing alot tonight
  • Came back,had Baileys,went to bathe.
  • Berl came over till 11pm and we went to Lal's house to hear about her day.
I'm here now.On the 14th of Feb,just another day when couples love each other more.but tomorrow's 15th so lets get back to bickering and throwing vases of last nights flowers at each other yeah?

By a single drop of water,
in the desert I will lay


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I hate pickpockets.
I hate bitches who think they're smart and noble and experienced in life when they're actually not.
I hope those 3 buggers who stole my phone and got down at Abdullah Hukum's station got run down by a bus.
I hope everything that belonged to them including body parts got crushed into pieces.
Fucking buggers.
Anyways I'm still using the same number so if u guys wanna msg me or anything its still the same thing but make sure u state who u are first unless ur one of my 5 closest friends or ur calling me from my mom's phone or house phone.
If you're my brother,you still have to tell me who u are.

Oh and one of the best books i've read so far..
O Alquimista
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Sunday, February 04, 2007

"In some Asian cultures men may also grow long fingernails, or only the nail on the little finger, to show that they do not do much manual labor, but instead work in an office setting. However, this practice is gradually becoming unpopular and unrefined because a long fingernail on the little finger is variously associated with either nose picking or cocaine usage."

I searched nails on wikipedia just to see if what my friend(Marsh) once told me bout nails containing a small percentage of gold in it was true.I don't think it is.
But this text cracked me up(inside) if i wasnt in a pindrop silence kinda office,I would've laughed.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

If I could escape

I'd be somewhere back here.
No one would be leaving,everything was so safe.
Well yeah there's the ocassional dispute among teachers,students and canteen men but that's the interesting bits that were half bad half good.

I miss it and a lot of things about it.
I hate it when nostalgia strikes.
And it sucks to have friends leaving.