Thursday, February 15, 2007

Boss,can I unresign?

Three out of an amount of ppl i bug the lives out of.
Gosh I can't believe I'm actually sad that I'm stopping work. The people at SA Architects were just so bloody nice.Like I'll miss em much.Real much.*tear*
So anyways here's the rest of it

Akram trying to look cool but the shots at an angle tht makes him look like he's picking his nose.

The rest of the family with Angie missing.Scuse my lack of concentration
Damn now I wish I didn't quit my job...
But always look at the bright side of life..I'm meeting Poon and Jun tomorrow.And this long talked about Blue.
Gosh why do i feel like im being lame today?
Anyway not like any of them would stumble magically across my blog but if it happens,
Thank you guys truly for everything.Especially all the people i constantly bug for work or just for fun.


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