Wednesday, February 14, 2007

F for fuck the fourteenth

I got a new phone.The Z610i black version. Someone asked me to get the blue. Distasteful. It looks like it'll go along with shuffling pants and neon lights.
So what happened today?

  • At the ktm, i see more couples with PDA ( public display of fucking affection) just particularly on this day.Its like as if,they love each other only on this day.Gross buggers.
  • My colleague and I got a rose from our friend after sort of pestering him to get one.
  • KTM was delayed again for almost 30 friggin minutes.
I really feel like swearing alot tonight
  • Came back,had Baileys,went to bathe.
  • Berl came over till 11pm and we went to Lal's house to hear about her day.
I'm here now.On the 14th of Feb,just another day when couples love each other more.but tomorrow's 15th so lets get back to bickering and throwing vases of last nights flowers at each other yeah?

By a single drop of water,
in the desert I will lay



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