Thursday, February 15, 2007


Drove to Bangsar today with Ash and Sha.
On the way to Sunway College(to pick em up), this asshole in a cab threw a plastic bag out of his car,which resulted in me rolling my third finger round and round but not obvious enough for the scumbag to see(didn't feel like getting diced).
My two friends were actually standing there watching me do this without me realising.So few hours after the happening,

Ash : Liz, were you like reciting some mantra for the traffic light to turn green faster?

Misha couldn't stop being an ahpek mumbling "damn chat" to everything.Better stop before its too late friend.

On the way home,I overtook (politely) this Red ASSHOLIC kenari. Yes politely means signal and all that shit.Then the asshole honks at me and bald motherfucker decides to take revenge by driving beside me and frowning into my car, and overtaking me 2 inches from my car. BASTARDCHILDUNCLEFACEOFFUCKINGCMSFROMHELLWHOSHOULDRUNOVERACHICKENANDHAVEAFUCKINGHARDTIMESCRAPINGITOFFHISTYRES!
This old scum was in his 40's. Hi,asshole,if you ever read this and you're bald with a red kenari in your mid 40s who drove on the federal highway on this date, you're just fucking stupid.That's all.
Then after sending Ash home,Misha and I witness and accident.Well,after it happened.Didn't see much cos didn't dare to.but i think someone went to another world.


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