Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm screwed

Half gone are my hopes of getting at least an A2 for physics.
Just because of ONE word.
weight instead of mass.
M.C.H I tell you!

My blog is a sadcase that gets only 5 hits per day..or so I think.
I need a car.
Talk about impulse buying.My crazy parents bought an apartment in Hartamas on impulse and took 2 days to realise they didn't really want it.
WTF!But no down payment was swallowed.

Seriously?They tell me to save money when they go around buying apartments on impulse?
I'm getting those Aldo shoes.(If they're still there)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yet again

And yet another day of stupidity and forgetfulness.
I didn't know it was the 28th.Poon's bday.
But then again it isn't cos she postponed it(Addmath day) to December.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


My chief invigilator has VPL(visible panty line),but he's a nice guy.
Went to pick Misha up in my dad's Toyota Hilux.Felt like a mafia.
I HAVE mastered the hill,didn't roll back.

Went jogging with Ash and Misha like SPM was bloody over.
Easilylah..SPM only.
I think my dreams of getting 10A1s are gonna come true.
Especially when none of the tips for anything came out.
Though for sejarah some incling told me k-ekonomi was coming out but I ignored it and only remembered one word.Inovasi.
So my answers for that page revolved around inovasi.
A1 lah.

There are some people in life you just want to have NOTHING to do with,but they never get the hint.
I want these Aldo shoes.

But after my mom making me feel guilty for apparently making her spend 1000 bucks on me and my brother this week,I guess I won't.
Which leaves me thinking..what the hell did I buy?
I think she's lying.The only thing i bought were these Vincci shoes that I scouted the whole of KL for thanks to this one person I currently loathe and despise.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sea cucumber?

I was sitting down and thinking bout everything and suddenly this very weird extract of a conversation popped up in my head.

Me : She's hot
Brad : Yeah but I don't like her
Me : Oh..why not?
Brad : Don't know.You know how you see a sea cucumber and you just don't like it?
Me :

Brad, I would never understand the true deep meaning of that phrase but it's ok.It was interesting enough till it popped up in my thoughts while i was stoning.Something I constantly do(without drugs) 24/7.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm 17!

Yeah ages ago.But now I'm 17 with a driver's license! Woohoo yay me! I finally passed today (after failing once but not blogging bout it cos i was waiting for this moment).I think you guys have seen my car by now?It was in the "Of lanterns and good photography" post.My Orange Bug! Despite the joy of havin my license,one thing keeps bugging me everytime i think "Yay I can drive now!"
Half of me wants to get it over and done with.
Half of me isn't ready.

Anyways,I'm a mix of emotions now.
And did I mention how coffee does not assist in my trying to stay awake?
Or maybe it does..I dunno..
I'm a mess

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lalitha Thevi Naidu Wemel!

Lal,I'm sorry.I don't keep track of dates I hope you remember(you sit nxt to me in class). I'm SO SORRY! Like Trust me i KNOW its on the 11th and not 12th because you me and Yazzie are on the 11th and I was just playing bout the 12th like how i did to Amirah Rahmat but I completely did not know that today was the 11th.If i did I'd know it's your birthday.So I'm SOO SORRY! and
I'm such a complete idiot and I'm so sorry.
Sorry I sat next to you for 4 hours without realising it was your birthday!
You know I love you..

On a different note, my nose was running for 4 hours as well and I completely ran out of tissue which wasn't even mine(as in it was clean but it wasn't mine) and had to reuse it.So gross I know.And the whole time!!! Adam had tissue in his bag but didn't realise (or did he?hmm hmm..)

Friday, November 10, 2006


The beginning of an ending..
Another chapter closes in our lives..
School's officially over for us Sri Amanians, well, sort of unless the kaki rajins(legs hardworking) still wanna go to school but that's only 5% likely.
I'm gonna bloody miss that school.I mean that's one place where we deal with student teacher politics,arguing with everyone just to prove our point and stuff like that.
I came to school hating it.Bloody girls everywhere you go and life was just boring but now as a fifth former, I CAN actually wait to leave.
I cherish every memory in that school,good or bad because it makes me who I am today(and screw you if you don't like me.I like me)
And most of all,I've made tons of friends whom I love dearly(you know who you are)
So not to be dramatic or anything but I'm sorry if I've done anything and not realise it..

Once an Amanian, always an Amanian.

P.s: I think I'm over you

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Somemore photos "Grad Night" of Jing , Misha, Amal, Shareen and me!

I know it's annoying but I have to complain. I NEED cheek depuffing!

And I

There's just one thing I need to say
before I close my eyes and walk away,
Just one thing that I need to feel
before I walk away against my will,
Just one thing I need to hear
before I walk away for the last time
Just one thing that I need to see
before I take this chance and set us free,

Don't forget me..please.

Sometimes I hate you because you have NO idea you make me feel this way..

Did you take the time to realise?

Saturday, November 04, 2006


After SPM
  • I'll depuff my fat cheeks
  • I'll join dance class
  • I'll depuff my fat body
  • I'll hang out till I don't feel like hanging out
  • I'll do everything and anything I want
  • I'll smoke somemore flowers and try something new like.. Morning glory
  • Maybe I'll become a ganja addict and you'll find me at the backlane of your house
  • I'll drive around in my Orange bug which would break down and cause me to be a damsel in distress thus resulting in a hot guy helping me fix my car and failing miserably then offering me a ride to San Francisco steakhouse for steak while leaving my car wherever it was.
  • My dad gets me a NEW bug although I'm quite content with the old one.

Driving test this monday.Joy.
Sometimes I miss a few people but times have changed and its just too fucking bad..
I wish I had quick metabolism then I could eat as much as I want and not look like Pavarotti.minus the excessive hair.

I think something's wrong with my computers..all my The Fray songs are gone and my Way out West is gone too.Download em.They're cool.
I can't wait for my 2 friends to come back from England.Come back you freaks! We HAVE to hang out!And I got friggin BEBO for you now I'm stuck with 3 friends including Stephanie.
I miss you guys!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

High school- the finale

I love you guys to bits! and I'll sure as hell miss so many of you..

Gosh..all the whacky and embarrassing moments!

Inferiority complex

I have inferiority complex.Sad but true..crap.No elaboration.
So Berl slept over.

Crap in the midst of blogging someone called to ask for my mom.I don't know why but i tend to get annoyed by the phone ringing nowadays.Maybe I've overcome a certain percentage of my loneliness syndrome.And I hate it when people call my house and ask "Who's that?" Heck be warned I reply rudely when that happens. It's my house I should be asking who's calling. Dimwit.Anyways..i'm too lazy to post the other pictures and something really creepy just happened.In my brothers toilet which has piss on the floor.

I'm graduating tonight! No big deal just form 5 graduation. But yeah! Looking forward to wearing smelly robes and eating soggy noodles.
I'm becoming a bum.Ciara's get up is playing outside on MTV but i'm too lazy to walk.
My mom came back form Holland and got me my Incanto Charms! and tons of other samples.Yay!