Saturday, March 31, 2007


went shopping met the whole world in ou.
I remember this one time in form 2 or something like that when i tried learning mandarin ( I reached std2's level its the highest ever in my life after relearning and relearning) and was talking to Kar Leng on the phone holding a mandarin dictionary.
Then I tried to test her Vocab which exceeds mine like 950% so i came across all these words tht seemed so tough to me like "sao mu" and some other stuff i forgot and she knew the meanings to everything.
And now 3 years later I'm on msn chatting with her in mandarin(not mandarin characters).
I still suck.

I need to buy a jumper.
Tomorrow's cheng beng.I'm forced to go.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Nike Rockstar Party!

I think we all burned like 7000 cals or something.Woohoo!!!
Bumming days are over.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I met up with a few ex colleagues for lunch at MV then headed to mng zara and guess and heard an honest mistake by the bravery i love that song.

Then i went down to MPH and i so gotta have this book now.

sorry i didnt put it on unshitty lighting mode.

Yesterday met up with Poon Ikmal and Harjun for lunch and they drove back to my house to fetch my bro to school urgh the responsibility is starting to weigh my weighing weight down.

In the midst of lunch i get a call saying "CAN U GO HOME NOW FETCH UR BROTHER TO SCHOOL!"

So anyways check my parking skills out.No it did not hit the wall,it just...

was skillfully parked.Yes thts the car i keep complaining about but i guess its not that bad now.xept the tyres might have cat droppings on it.i hope it smeared off the road.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I watched channel V today and Joey G put like 13 grapes in his fricking mouth.
That's one huge mouth.

I woke up from a weird dream.I dreamt i was in love with P.Diddy and made out with him.
Eew.not my deepest desires at all.

I love Beyonce and JayZ's Hollywood.
And theres this one song with JayZ in it.The song starts with flutes and all anyone have any idea what its called?tag my board!Its not released!

Car died a few times on a ramp.

Monday, March 19, 2007


my friends have such faith in me.
I tell them I'm cooking and making mushroom soup and all of them ask me the same thing
From the can?

Bloody hell.
Anyways yeah i cooked and it tastes slightly above average but not super fantasticly orgasmic good kinda thing.
And I got my new car.
Its OK la just that i hate the frickin exsos eksos eckos however the hell u spell it.Its so friggin loud like those lala macha rempit cars.fuck.
But wtv i have my very own car now.AHH!!woohooo.
And now my brother depends on me for transport its so nice to say "walk home tomorrow" if he doesnt do what i tell him to.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

merah lompat........

I like The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

Went to the gym to run today.
Went to Giant to buy stuff for tomorrow's party and dear lord,Giant workers are the peabrainiest asswipes on earth.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


its 1 am and i suddenly have this great craving for sausages.
I WANT my Eurodeli sausages.
Which reminds me
I was at this concert once and this I was talking to this dude from Germany so i asked him where he was from and he said Sebastian then I said oh I dunno where sebastian is but i know Frankfurt. Then Misha said Yeah I LOVE frankfurters.Then he stared at us for a bit. Then we found out his name was Sebastian not the place he was from.


Monday, March 12, 2007


Ok 7As.I'm happy.
Thank the heavens i passed my BM with a miserable C.But screw it la,i got a credit.

Misha and Ash came over before we left.
Screamed to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek on the way there and i could barely drive my arms were numb from nervousness and then somebody cried before even looking at her results.
Reached school later than everybody else most of them were already gone.
Got my results and was completely overjoyed.

Cash flow bitch,cash flow.
Went house hopping after that from Ash's granny's to Misha's aunties and finally my house.
Bug is FINALLY WORKING (or not so)
Drove to the nearest place with KFC and car died down like..twice?Completely UNpower steering car.Now I'm so happy for the rempit car I'm gonna get.At least its a car that won't make me have 2 pounds of arm muscle after driving.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Today we went all the way to Ampang.Quite the bloody far la.
Went back to X College for something at night and wandered into one of the lecture rooms.
Got stuck inside,Sha's friend had to kick it open.
Doors broken now.
Knob fell off,had to erase evidence.har the har har.

Went home,no one was there had no keys went back to Misha's place got bitten by mozzies while guarding her dogs from fighting.

Watched a play,no comment I don't feel like being a bitch tonight.There was just lotsa spit.
I'm earning 50 bucks tomorrow.
So long bitches!
Oo,there's this kazakhstan dude whos really cute.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunshiney clouds

Thats what you get for falling again,you can never get him out of your head.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

i know i know i know i know i know i know

She's a fucking work of art.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

vai o vai?


uhuh guess who got a new laptop?

a nice lil vaio.teehee.
Had dance class today.and tripped over my large ass pants.Never dancing in those pants ever again.
I realised everything of mine is a Sony.
My radio,phone and now my laptop.
I still however,am not completely pro Sony.
There's this Orange ad from Youtube.It's so cute.I wanna date the guy.
sorry,i know its a hassle but its soo god damn cute!WATCH it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Boys are so cute when they're hot

I was watching the ManU and Liverpool match yesterday and in the midst of it my brother takes my phone

CH : Che, your phone got message.
Me : Ok.*reads msg and puts phone down*
CH : Che,can I see your phone?
Me : NO.
CH : Eh,if it wasn't for me you wouldn't know Misha msged u right!
Me : Please la,as if there's no newspaper and magazine!

Goodness.I thought he said something like you wouldn't know about the phone.
So today,someone was as bad as me.

Me : Doing the Michael Jackson leaning forward dance move
Sha : Eh,PLEASE la!Don't think I dunno what you're trying to imply!I've been trying since Chinese New Year ok!

Good God.

Footballers are so hot.