Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Ol Ol days me dears

A sphynx(or something like that) I built with sand in Terengganu.

This is an Ah Beng who had sharp gel-ed side burns whom we used to call the Wife Beater.We saw him at least twice a week cos he worked in a carshop nxt to our tuition with The Singh.

Arthur if u read my blog,I curi-ed off ur page.
Ok so one thing i've learnt is,I'm never cutting my hair that way again.
2nd,we never grow up.
I give on the swearing thing btw.
Anis whereever u are,I miss you and no im not lying when i say i didn't get ur calls or sms.
Amirah,you're such a geek i miss u!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Misha looks like Niki in your first pic.. haha.. i like ur croc hat.. nice pics of you as well.. hope to see u soon..

10:09 PM  
Blogger Bloody Butterflies said...

hi harjun.croc hat isnt mine.friend wore it to

9:25 AM  
Blogger the non-expert said...

aww, I remember that hat! 'Tis the hat that Fairuz got from Zoo Negara. I'm not going to say I miss you because we usually never say anything nice to each other and to say it now, would be weird. So as abode to that, I shall say this,"emo bitch."

8:16 PM  
Blogger Bloody Butterflies said...

anis.u know u miss me.And i feel the same way its just that i can't talk to u on sms or the phone or on msn for some bloody reason.I need to SEE YOU!!!

10:05 AM  

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