Saturday, January 27, 2007

In complete fuckall mood.
Dot your I's and cross your T's, if u wanna do something,do it well
I hate crossroads,i hate decisions,i hate the idiot who can't do things right.

Monday, January 22, 2007

When the place you've been living in was never home to begin with.
And all you want to do is just to run.
As far away as you can..but you can't just yet

Saturday, January 20, 2007

you know

You know when people laugh at your dreams,you brush it off but deep down inside you wanna kill them?
I know.
Anyways,strange encounters on the lrt.
There are selfish buggers who lean on the metal bars for people to hold.That day,there were two.One smelly looking bugger and another giant bugger.The giant bugger(GB) was colossal la.Fucking limbs could cover the length of KL convention centre.I think he had limb control disorder,the angle between his ulna to his humerus had to remain 90° at all times.Which means his body had to stretch out further to lean on the middle railings.How bloody stupid can you get la i mean seriously?So i elbowed him and he had no choice but to make sure his elbow angle was changed to 85 degrees.I'm sure he suffered a monstrous amount of pain.

I have no car.The bug is under shitty hands i dont trust but some people are too hard headed to send it to a specialist to get everything done once and for all.Seriously,can't you get at least ONE THING right.I mean yeah,you ruined everything else,just do this right for once.

Moving on,went to pyramid yesterday.Watched some scary shit i dont wanna talk about now.Also saw the Msian bowling team.Sports keep you healthy,bowling is not a sport.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I ate this honey sweet thingy and it got smothered all over my phone's keypad.
I miss school!
Last night i had a dream we were at a NYE party and I was deprived of something so I walked all around the mall and saw Fye.Fye was smoking and she said "Oh my god Liz I didn't wanna stand up there with you guys,sorry." I said,nevermind,give me some.My lungs then burned for the rest of the day.
Just now Lal's car was near my neighbourhood on the way home and I looked inside and she was in it so i waved.
Over these past few days,I've been smelling smoke smoke smoke.Maybe I should start smoking cos if i don't,I'd die twice as fast as a smoker.(2nd hand smoke)
I miss dancing and I need to dance again.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Sod off

I can safely say that for once,I was genuinely annoyed with you.
Why have my eyes been infected by an infectious disease?
Where did you leave your pants?
You're a prick.
So I'm over you.
Ha sido un año,yo no le adoro ya y estoy sobre usted

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Sleepover
Cards,lack of alcohol and hysteria

And lotsa karma.

This was safely happening while on the other side of PJ,stranger and more bizarre things were going on.To the point I got some urgent sounding sms at 5am in the morning.And a call that revealed the funniest news ever later.

New Years

Delayed to create suspense.
No actually I just didn't have any pictures.


Never have I felt so lost
Never have I felt so clueless

First I got lost after sending Anis home and her dad led me to this traffic light so I knew how to get home from there.Then,I started stoning and missed the left turn heading back to PJ frome OU.So I go straight on to bloody Kepong and stop at a petrol station.
Called parents,phone died.Couldn't stick around for miracles to happen and petrol tank went empty so drove to next station in some kampung place to fill RM10 of petrol.Really didn't wanna ask the workers cos I was in a spaghetti strap which is no big deal in KL but in some kampung it prolly is.
Had no bloody choice,asked them how to make a U turn.Just ONE U turn and my life wouldn't be on a thread(I love being dramatic).I've never liked petrol boys so much in my life.
Made the U turn,got home.
On the way home I realised so many things.
  • I don't trust myself enough
  • I don't trust people enough
  • Malaysian signboards are shit
  • I hate getting lost and its one of the worst feelings
  • Always bring RM10
  • Thank God I'm not a panicky idiot who sits and waits

So at the end, I've never been so thankful I was lost cos I learnt more than not to stone while driving and ways to get home but so much more